Produced by Mikros Animation IP (formerly Technicolor Animation Productions) and commissioned by TF1, with distribution and consumer...
Mikros Animation IP Unveils Season 3 of ‘Gus the Itsy Bitsy Knight’ with Global Distribution by PGS Entertainment
PGS Entertainment and The Smiley Company Announce “Mini Smiley” – A Musical Adventure in Preschool Entertainment
PGS Entertainment, a leader in children's animation, in partnership with The Smiley Company, a leading lifestyle brand for all ages,...
PGS Entertainment Partners with Lazy Shrimp Studio to Expand the Global Reach of ‘Leo the Truck’
In a significant move to expand its global footprint, PGS Entertainment, a leader in children’s entertainment, has announced a strategic...
PGS Entertainment Collaborates with Motion Pictures For Global Distribution of Preschool Hit MyaGo
PGS Entertainment, a leader in kids’ entertainment, announces its partnership with Motion Pictures for the global distribution of the...
PGS Entertainment Widens ‘The Jungle Bunch’ Broadcast Horizon With New Global Deals
PGS Entertainment, a leading international brand management company, announces new global broadcast deals for "The Jungle Bunch," the...
Richard Orlinski
PGS Entertainment Amplifies Looloo Kids’ Reach In LATAM With Broadcast & Licensing Initiatives
PGS Entertainment, an internationally acclaimed brand management company, has announced a significant expansion of LooLoo Kids, the...
Gus Season 2: Bigger, Better, and More Action-Packed!
Following exceptional global ratings for its first season, Gus Season 2 is ready to captivate audiences worldwide. The success of Season...
Looloo Kids Surpasses 100 Million Subscribers on YouTube
PGS Entertainment is delighted to announce that Looloo Kids, the second-largest YouTube animated kids' IP, has achieved an unprecedented...
PGS secures new streaming deals for Bagdasarian’s ALVINNN!!! and the Chipmunks
PGS Entertainment is proud to announce new deals for Bagdasarian Productions’ CG-animated series ALVINNN!!! and the Chipmunks,...
“Dinosally & Friends”: A Joint Adventure from PGS, MOSTAPES, and Aurora World
PGS, MOSTAPES, and Aurora World are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of "Dinosally & Friends," a new 2D animated...
PGS appoints new Head of Legal & Business Affairs and Finance Coordinator
The PGS Company today announced the appointment of Agnès Lecuyer as Head of Legal & Business Affairs and Charisma Kerr as Finance...
PGS set to represent 2nd biggest YouTube Kids’ animated IP Looloo Kids
Award-winning distributor PGS Entertainment is now set to represent the hit YouTube toddler franchise Looloo Kids.
PGS appoints new EVP of Acquisitions and Development
The PGS Company today announced the appointment of Paula Taborda Dos Guaranys as EVP – Acquisitions & Development. Paula,...
PGS Entertainment extends Gus, the Itsy Bitsy Knight’s kingdom for Season 2
PGS has closed several media deals across the world for Season 2 of the popular pre-school show Gus, The Itsy Bitsy Knight, produced...
Bagdasarian Productions’ ALVINNN!!! & the Chipmunks closes 2020 out with a bang!
Bagdasarian Productions’ enormously successful series ALVINNN!!! & the Chipmunks, produced in collaboration with Technicolor Animation...
Celebrating 12 Years of PGS with 12 Milestones
We're extremely grateful to celebrate 12 years of PGS, as we remain the only family-owned kids media group providing a unique brand...
As Kidscreen says, PGS Invests in Working Remotely For Longer
As lockdowns lift in some countries like New Zealand and South Korea, reopening offices is starting to become a greater possibility...
PGS secures over 10 public broadcasters across the world for Moominvalley by Gutsy Animations
Award-winning entertainment distributor PGS Entertainment has secured leading public broadcasters worldwide for Gutsy Animations’ Moominvalley,...
Bagdasarian Productions’ ALVINNN!!! & the Chipmunks to be broadcast in China. Deal secured by PGS Entertainment.
Bagdasarian Productions’ extremely successful series, ALVINNN!!! & the Chipmunks, produced in collaboration with Technicolor Animation...